Anne Johnston
Anne Johnston Graphic Design
I am a graphic designer living and working in Pukerua Bay. My roots are in Northern Ireland but are now entwined in this wild corner of Wellington.
I have always been a maker at heart. I studied Visual Communication Design at Wellington Polytechnic in the early 80s and specialised in advertising, working as an Art Direction in the ad industry in Wellington and Melbourne. Somehow, I also ended up as a copy writer… there seemed to be a need for creatives who could think in pictures and words… I’ve never been able to separate them… it is about concepts to me.
Running my own graphic design business for over 15 years has allowed me to live my passion for design, finding out what else I can create and building a client base of small businesses and not-for-profit organisations. Somewhere in there, I got asked to make a website and another arm of my business grew – good design is good for websites. I love book design and strangely, large document design. All kinds of print and promotional design comes my way and experiential design is an area I like to work in, creating communications for the natural and built environment. Working with local community groups has also been a great pleasure.
Recently, I trained in classical yoga and now design personal yoga practices – another creative outlet and a practice for life. My latest exploration is developing my artistic photography skills, learning from the master, Jackie Ranken and getting out into the natural environment around Kāpiti to keep my creativity and intuition flowing.
Contact Anne via her website
Social Media pages